10 random παράγραφοι från 10 zufällige libros.

1. Por primera vez no me sentí un extraño. Mi papel en Algeciras era de un auténtico machito, hasta tuve varias novias; los que habéis pasado por este trance que sois muchos ("hay muchos maricones y lesbianas hay detrás de las persianas") me entenderéis.

2. Το υποσυνείδητό μας δουλεύει με παρόμοιους τρόπους. Δεν μας επιτρέπει να χαλαρώσουμε και να νιώσουμε πως όλα είναι καλά. Χρειάζεται να σκέφτεται για το τι θα μπορούσε να πάει στραβά. Τελικά φοβόμαστε να αισθανόμαστε ασφάλεια.

3. Ο δογματικός δεν έχει καμία ανάλογη ανησυχία. Κατά τη γνώμη του, η ανθρωπότητα έχει εκπέσει από κάποιο υψηλότερο επίπεδο. Η αλήθεια δεν υπάρχει κάπου εκεί έξω περιμένοντας να αποκαλυφθεί· το έχει ήδη κάνει. Ο λόγος του Θεού έχει ακουστεί και καταγραφεί από τον προφήτη Του, είτε λέγεται Χριστός, είτε Μωάμεθ, είτε Καρλ Μαρξ.

4. The light has sunk into the earth. It is covered at present, but it can be uncovered and released. The destiny of the covering depends on our own choices. The mind, the emotions and the use of time and energy can all be applied and focused to releasing the light. It would be wise to do this.

5. El reo confesó que, entrada la madrugada, había visto la moto parada en una calle solitaria y que, ni tonto ni perezoso, le echó mano. Pero que, hasta ahora no sabía que la moto pertenecía a un agente policial. Por la participación del lugar, el capitán supuso que se trataba de la dirección de Don Álvaro.

6. Ο γάμος γίνεται. Η νύμφη άλλην προίκα δεν φέρει από την νυμφικήν εσθήτα. Είμαι βέβαιος ότι αι αναγνώστριαί μου θα την φαντάζωνται λευκοφόρον, στέφουσαν την κεφαλήν με τά άνθη της πορτοκαλέας και με τον λευκόν πέπλον πίπτοντα μέχρι των ποδών της. Ουδέν όμως τούτων διά την Κατίναν. Η εσθής της, χρώματος βαθέος κυανού, αποτελείται από ένα μάλλινον μπολκάκι και μίαν φούσταν του αυτού υφάσματος, μήτε καταλήγουσαν εις ουράν, μήτε πτυχουμένην εις πτυχάς, ως αι συνήθεις των εσθήτων τούτων. Την κεφαλήν της καλύπτει απλούν μανδήλιον.

7. It seems likely that when the first aboriginals reached Australia they carried knowledge that certain leaves or barks could be used to poison fish; and that they applied their knowledge when they found the poisonous plants growing in Australia. By experiment, observation, or the harnessing of accidents their repertoire of poisons was probably much increased as they occupied more and more of the continent. In this accumulating of knowledge, however, there must have been unintended casualties, human and animal.

8. Ο πατέρας του, τραπεζικός υπάλληλος. Είχε πεθάνει πρόπερσι. Από αυτόν είχε κληρονομήσει τον φόβο του θεού και την αφοσίωση στις εντολές του. Γράφτηκε στη Θεολογική σχολή, τελειώνοντας το γυμνάσιο, και τ' όνειρό του ήτανε να γίνει ιερεύς. Να υπηρετήσει έτσι το θεό. Να φέρει κοντά στον Ποιμένα όσα μπορούσε περισσότερα "απολωλότα πρόβατα".

9. He is a great fish and I must convince him, he thought. I must never let him learn his strength nor what he could do if he made his run. If I were him I would put in everything now and go until something broke. But, thank God, they are not as intelligent as we who kill them; although they are more noble and more able.

10. Κι αυτός γοργά τ' ανώμαλο το μονοπάτι ανέβη απ' το λιμάνι, κι έφτασε κορφή κορφή σε μέρος πολύδεντρο, όπου του 'λεγε η Αθηνά Παλάδα πως θα 'βρει το χοιροβοσκό, που πιο πιστά απ' τους άλλους, που 'χε ο Δυσσέας δούλους του, πονούσε αυτός το βιος του. 

Curiosidades del portugués

Conocemos más a fondo el portugués, un idioma que es lengua oficial de 260 millones de personas en el mundo, y que despierta un creciente interés por estudiarlo en diversos países, incluido España.

En concreto, el portugués se habla en nueve países de cuatro continentes, principalmente en Portugal y Brasil, pero también en África, en concreto, en Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Cabo Verde, Santo Tomé y Príncipe y Timor Oriental. 

En total, son más de 260 millones de hablantes en todo el mundo y la cifra crece porque aprenderlo es obligatorio en Argentina y Uruguay. Esto hace que sea vista como una lengua con un gran potencial y como una de las principales en la comunicación de cara al futuro.

Son aspectos del portugués –es una lengua romance flexiva-, que suelen pasar desapercibidos, al igual que las características propias de la lengua, que van desde su origen a su fonética, gramática o diferencias entre las zonas en las que se habla.


Dentro de estas curiosidades, comenzamos por su origen. El portugués es conocido como la lengua de Camões, nombre del escritor originario de Portugal y que está considerado como uno de los mayores poetas más importantes en lengua portuguesa. No fue el único “enamorado” de esta lengua. El propio Miguel de Cervantes la calificó de “dulce” y “agradable”.

El portugués moderno procede del idioma galaico-portugués. La primera gramática portuguesa se publicó en Lisboa en el año 1536, siendo obra del presbítero y profesor de retórica de Coimbra, Fernando de Oliveira, a pesar de que fue declarado oficialmente idioma en 1290 por el Rey Denis de Portugal. Esta declaración hizo que pasase a ser la lengua oficial.

A pesar de ese origen, cabe aclarar que tiene también una fuerte influencia del árabe a raíz de los moros islámicos del norte de África y Oriente Medio que conquistaron Portugal y España en el siglo VIII. Hoy en día, todavía perduran muchas palabras de origen árabe en esta lengua como ‘almofada’, que significa ‘almohada’, así como ‘azeitona’ para llamar a las ‘aceitunas’ o ‘garrafa’, que es la ‘botella’.


Entrando ya más en el idioma en sí, las curiosidades del portugués también están en su fonética. Por ejemplo, tiene 11 vocales con distintas variedades, ya que se pueden nasalizar y, además, la ‘a’, ‘e’ y ‘o’ tienen formas abiertas y cerradas. 

Y si las vocales llaman la atención, los acentos no se quedan atrás porque tiene más que el español: acento agudo, grave, circunflejo y auxiliares para algunas letras como el til (~), que se emplea en palabras como ‘mãe’, o el cedilha (lleva la ‘ç’).

Entre los aspectos más “chocantes” están las dos formas que hay para decir “usted”, palabra que se traduce como você (se usa con las personas con las que no se tiene confianza) o senhor y senhora, que es el equivalente al señor o señora en español. 

Y, por supuesto, el inglés tenía que estar presente. El portugués es otra de las lenguas que tiene influencia del idioma de Shakespeare, sobre todo, en el que se habla en Brasil. Casos concretos son las palabras como “equipo” que se dice “time” de “team” o la “ternera” que es “bife” por influencia de “beef” en inglés. 

Dentro de las palabras propias de la lengua, no se puede obviar el vocablo más largo formado por 46 letras. La palabra en cuestión es Pneumoultramicroscopicossilicovulcanoconiótico. Con ella, se alude al estado de una persona que padece una enfermedad producida por aspirar cenizas volcánicas. 

Más fácil es de pronunciar y de recordar es la palabra ‘saudade’, que es curiosa porque no tiene traducción literal en español. Su significado alude a un ‘te quiero’ o ‘te extraño’, aunque también se usa para expresar el sentimiento de nostalgia en relación a un amor a distancia. 

Y, a la hora de aprenderlo, no hay que olvidarse de que existen diferencias entre el portugués de Portugal y el de Brasil. Una de las principales es el pronombre en segunda persona. En el país luso, se emplea comúnmente ‘tu’ y ‘vós’, mientras que en el estado brasileño se usan ‘você’ y ‘vocês’.


Las diferencias entre ambos también se encuentran en la fonología. El portugués tiene nueve vocales orales y 19 fonemas consonánticos, mientras que el portugués brasileño tiene ocho vocales orales y 13 fonemas vocálicos. Esta lengua suma cinco vocales que algunos fonólogos analizan como alófonos de vocales orales, diez diptongos orales y cinco diptongos nasales.

Safe countries to visit if vaccinated

Updated list of countries that are welcoming vaccinated visitors. 

Last update April 19th.

More countries have announced they’re opening up to vaccinated travelers as rollouts continue around the world. Israel, Nepal, Greece, and several Caribbean destinations are among the latest to make the move.

The biggest news this week, via Reuters, is that Greece has lifted its quarantine restrictions and will reopen to vaccinated travelers from the European Union and five other countries, including the United States. That’s a month earlier than expected. We will gradually lift the restrictions at the beginning of next week ahead of the opening on May 14,” a senior tourism ministry official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Here's the updated list of countries that are now allowing vaccinated travelers to visit:

  • Anguilla
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Ecuador
  • Estonia
  • Georgia
  • Greece
  • Guatemala
  • Israel
  • Iceland
  • Montenegro
  • Nepal
  • Poland
  • Seychelles
  • Slovenia


As of April 12, vaccinated travelers who had their final dose at least 21 days prior to arrival only need to stay in place for 7 days (reduced from 14). They’ll still need to submit a test result 3 to 5 days before arrival and undergo a second test on arrival.

The entry application fee for fully vaccinated visitors staying under 90 days in a hotel or villa is $300, as opposed to $600 for unvaccinated travelers staying in an approved private dwelling. From July 1, Anguilla is removing the fee and quarantine requirements for fully vaccinated visitors. The entry protocols will be revised and eventually eliminated by October 1. Anguilla’s tourist board has more information on the new entry protocols.


Fully vaccinated travelers (who have had the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson shots) can travel to Barbados with a shorter quarantine as of May 8. They’ll still need to provide a negative PCR test result three days prior to travel, as well as a vaccination certificate, have a test done at the airport, and then quarantine for one to two days. Unvaccinated travelers must quarantine for five to seven days and can’t leave their rooms at approved accommodations until their second negative PCR test result. Visit Barbados has all the latest COVID travel guidelines.


Have vaccine, will travel . . . to Belize.


Come for the coastline, stay for Croatia’s Plitvice Lakes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

As of April 1, anyone can travel to Croatia if they present a COVID-19 vaccination certificate (the final dose must be administered at least 14 days before arrival); can present a negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test taken no more than 48 hours prior to arrival in Croatia (if it’s a rapid test, a second test must be taken 10 days after the initial test if your stay in Croatia is longer than 10 days); or were diagnosed with and recovered from COVID-19 no more than 180 days prior to arrival. Children under seven years of age are exempt.


In early April, guidelines from Visit Cyprus said that “for persons traveling from certain countries, a vaccination certificate will be accepted as an additional facilitator for travel. Dates of implementation may vary for each country, so travelers should follow public announcements made by the Cyprus Government.”

Travelers who can prove vaccination status won’t have to undergo any tests, nor will they be placed in quarantine. A copy of the certificate will need to be uploaded onto the Cyprus Flight Pass platform. Visit Cyprus has full details of the latest plan, including more on its traffic light system for country categorization.


Ecuador's wildlife-filled Galápagos archipelago is now available to vaccinated travelers.

On March 17, Ecuador issued new guidelines for entering the country that went into effect on March 22: Anyone can enter Ecuador as long as they have a COVID-19 vaccination certificate, can present a negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test taken no more than three days prior to arrival in Ecuador, or were diagnosed with and recovered from COVID-19 and are symptom free. Children under two years of age are exempt.

Visitors will be asked about and screened for symptoms (such as fever, cough, general malaise, loss of smell, loss of taste) upon arrival in Ecuador and will be evaluated by health ministry personnel. If there’s cause for concern, travelers will be required to take a rapid antigen test and, if it comes back positive, isolate for 10 days at their own expense. If the rapid antigen test is negative, the visitor can continue on their trip and will not need to isolate.

Travelers in Ecuador must abide by safety protocols including mandatory mask wearing, maintaining a social distance, and avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people.


If you’re vaccinated, Estonia will have you.

Effective February 2, the northern European country of Estonia has declared that those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 can enter the country without having to submit to an otherwise mandatory 10-day quarantine and COVID-19 testing requirements. The Estonian government has said that vaccinated travelers must still adhere to any public health measures that are in place in Estonia.


Georgia’s Caucasus Mountains are accessible for those who have been vaccinated.

As of February 1, 2021, any fully vaccinated traveler from any country is allowed to enter Georgia as long as they present documentation confirming their COVID-19 vaccination status (if the vaccine required two doses, proof of both doses must be provided).

Unvaccinated travelers arriving from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, the European Union, Israel, Kazakhstan, Norway, Northern Ireland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, or the United States must present a negative COVID-19 PCR test result conducted within 72 hours prior to travel at the Georgian border. On their third day in Georgia, travelers must submit to a second PCR test.


Via the Associated Press: Greece on April 19 lifted quarantine restrictions for travelers from most European countries, as well as Israel and the United States as it prepares to reopen tourism services next month despite an ongoing emergency in pandemic-related hospital care.

Air travelers from those countries will no longer be subject to a seven-day quarantine requirement if they hold a vaccination certificate or negative PCR test issued within the previous 72 hours, the Greek Civil Aviation Authority said.

The countries made exempt are EU member states, the U.S., Britain, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia, Israel, and non-EU members Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland that are part of a European travel pact.

Those visitors will have to travel to Greece via the airports of Athens, Thessaloniki, Heraklion, Chania, Rhodes, Kos, Mykonos, Santorini and Corfu, and two border crossings.

Government spokeswoman Aristotelia Peloni described the new travel rules as a “pilot measure” as Greece reopens more of its economy, noting that tourists are also subject to domestic travel restrictions. Greece remains under partial lockdown after widespread restrictions were imposed in early November, but has struggled to contain an urban spike in infections that have kept intensive care facilities close to capacity.

Visit Greece has COVID-related advice and information for travelers.


The Spanish colonial buildings and surrounding volcanoes of Antigua are calling.

Effective February 24, anyone entering Guatemala must present either a COVID-19 vaccine certificate with vaccination completed at least two weeks prior to arrival, a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of arrival, or proof or having tested positive and recovered from COVID-19 within three months of arrival, according to the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala. Children under 10 are exempt.


Vaccinated Americans can now visit Iceland.

Effective April 9, “everyone arriving to the country shall be tested at the borders as before, quarantine for five days and undergo a second test upon finishing,” the Icelandic government says. Vaccinated travelers don’t have to quarantine but must go to their place of stay and wait for the initial test results. Iceland also allows travelers who have been previously infected with COVID-19 to enter the country without quarantine and testing.

Everyone needs to preregister before visiting the country.


The Israel Ministry of Tourism and the country’s Ministry of Health say that the country will begin welcoming vaccinated travelers back starting May 23. Full details of the guidelines are expected in due course, but the program will see a select number of tour groups allowed to visit at first. The number of groups will increase based on the success of the program. Individual travelers will likely be allowed in July. All visitors will still be required to undergo a PCR test before flying to the country, as well as a serological test to prove their vaccination upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport.

“Sixty percent of Israel’s population has been vaccinated and with the United States and Israel using the same vaccines, we are hopeful that by summer we can open our doors wide and welcome every visitor to Israel who would like to come,” said Eyal Carlin, Israel’s tourism commissioner for North America.


The city of Podgorica in Montenegro is open to vaccinated travelers.

Montenegro is allowing in vaccinated visitors from any country, including the United States. Travelers must present either a negative PCR test from the previous 72 hours or proof that they received the second dose of a vaccine more than seven days before their arrival. The CDC still currently classes Montenegro as a level four (“do not travel”) country. The country’s government declared that there were 6,446 active cases of COVID as of April 1.


Nepal is allowing in vaccinated travelers. All arrivals must show either a negative PCR result taken 72 hours before boarding or “a document showing complete vaccination against COVID-19.” They’ll also need either a visa or recommendation letter from the department of tourism, proof of travel insurance, and a barcode obtained via an online application. Nepal's tourism board has a document outlining the latest protocol.


Vaccinated travelers who are permitted to enter Poland can do so without quarantine.

The only travelers currently allowed to enter Poland are Polish citizens and residents and their family members, diplomats and their families, essential workers, students, and EU citizens and residents. That doesn’t change for the vaccinated. Being vaccinated means the above travelers can bypass an otherwise mandatory 10-day quarantine. They can also bypass the quarantine by providing a negative COVID-19 PCR test result procured within 48 hours of departure to Poland.


The Indian Ocean island paradise of Seychelles is beckoning.

In a March 29 advisory, the island nation of Seychelles announced that it’s welcoming all visitors regardless of vaccination status effective immediately, as long as they have a negative PCR test result from within 72 hours of travel. There’s no quarantine requirement, but they must have travel insurance and need to stay at licensed establishments or liveaboards. Visitors who have been to South Africa in the previous 14 days are excluded.


Bled, Slovenia, is one of the country’s most beautiful destinations.

The central European country of Slovenia had a long list of European countries on its so-called red list, or list of countries with an unstable epidemiological situation, in March. The “red list” countries currently do not include the United States (the U.S. is on the list of “third countries,” which generally cannot enter the country).

Those who enter Slovenia from a “red list” country must quarantine for 10 days, unless they provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 PCR test procured within 48 hours of departure or a negative COVID-19 rapid antigen test taken no more than 24 hours before departure.

Another way to bypass the quarantine is providing proof of a COVID-19 vaccination. (You won’t be allowed entry until at least 7 days after having the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine administered, at least 14 days after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, or 21 days after the AstraZeneca vaccine.)

This story was originally published on March 8, 2021, and was updated on April 2, 13, 14, and 19, 2021, to include current information. Original Page here.

Ο μύθος του Τεποζτέκο

Μία από τις ιστορίες που μας έλεγαν οι γιαγιάδες και οι παππούδες μας λέει ότι πριν από πολλά χρόνια υπήρχε ένας παντοδύναμος βασιλιάς, ο οποίος είχε μία κόρη, μια όμορφη πριγκίπισσα που την φρόντιζαν πολύ μιας και ήταν η κληρονόμος του βασιλείου του Τεποζτλάν.

Αυτή συνήθιζε να λούζεται στον ποταμό Ατόγκο, όπου υπήρχαν πολλά λουλούδια και ψηλά δέντρα. Μια μέρα φύσηξε ένας δυνατός άνεμος, ήταν ο θεός του ανέμου, και όταν κόπασε ο άνεμος τότε η πριγκίπισσα είχε ήδη ξελογιαστεί από αυτόν. Τότε αποφάσισε να φύγει μακριά από τους γονείς της, και μόνο συναντιώταν με τους υπηρέτες της οι οποίοι ήξεραν τι της συνέβαινε. Ώσπου μια μέρα γέννησε ένα μωρό, και οι υπηρέτες το έβαλαν σ' ένα ψάθινο καλάθι και το έριξαν στον ποταμό. Μέχρι την επόμενη μέρα όμως αυτό έπλευσε μέχρι την όχθη, ανάμεσα στα λουλούδια που ξεκίνησαν να το ταΐζουν και να το ποτίζουν.

Η πριγκίπισσα τότε διέταξε το μωρό να ριχτεί σε μια φωλιά μυρμηγκιών, αλλά μέχρι την επόμενη μέρα τα μυρμήγκια του έδιναν τροφή και το φρόντιζαν. Τότε η πριγκίπισσα διέταξε πάλι να το ρίξουν σε ένα φυτό αγαύης, αλλά μέχρι την επόμενη μέρα η αγαύη σχημάτισε ένα καταφύγιο με τα φύλλα της, και με τις δροσοσταλίδες της του έδινε νερό. Την τέταρτη μέρα η πριγκίπισσα διέταξε να ρίξουν το μωρό σε έναν λάκκο. Ευτυχώς όμως το βρήκε ένα ζευγάρι από ηλικιωμένους που ζούσε σε μια κοντινή σπηλιά.

Έκτοτε, το ζευγάρι φρόντιζε και αγαπούσε το μωρό σαν να ήταν δικό τους, και το παιδί έτρεχε ανέμελο στα βουνά, έπαιζε με τα ζώα, αγαπούσε όλα τα λουλούδια, περνούσε τον καιρό του ανέμελα, μέχρι που μια μέρα έφτασε μια διαταγή από τον βασιλιά (τον παππού του), που έλεγε ότι οι θετοί γονείς του έπρεπε να παραδοθούν στον γιγάντιο δράκο του Χοτσικάλκο για να τους φάει, καθώς ήταν η σειρά τους, σύμφωνα με το έθιμο να προσφέρονται οι γέροι της περιοχής στον δράκο.

Το παιδί εναντιώθηκε σε αυτήν την εντολή, και ζήτησε από τον βασιλιά να του επιτρέψει να πάρει αυτό την θέση τους. Έτσι δέχτηκε ο βασιλιάς, αλλά οι γονείς του παιδιού λυπήθηκαν πολύ, και του έλεγαν ότι ήταν καλύτερα να φαγωθούν εκείνοι μιας και αυτή ήταν η μοίρα τους, και επειδή ήταν μεγάλοι σε ηλικία. Το παιδί τους είπε να μην ανησυχούσαν, και να παρατηρούσαν τον ουρανό. Όταν θα έβλεπαν στον ουρανό άσπρο καπνό, αυτό θα σήμαινε ότι θα είχε νικήσει τον δράκο, αλλά εάν έβλεπαν μαύρο καπνό, τότε θα σήμαινε ότι το παιδί θα ήταν νεκρό.

Έτσι, ήρθαν φρουροί να τον πάρουν και ξεκίνησαν ένα μακρύ δρόμο προς τον δράκο. Το παιδί κατά τη διαδρομή μάζευε οψιδιανούς, αλλά οι φρουροί δεν έδωσαν σημασία γιατί νόμιζαν ότι έπαιζε μ' αυτές τις μαύρες πέτρες.

Όταν έφτασαν μπροστά από τον δράκοντα, αυτός έδειξε να ενοχλείται πολύ γιατί περίμενε να φάει γέρους και όχι ένα παιδί, παρόλο που η σάρκα του παιδιού ήταν πιο τρυφερή, αλλά αυτό δεν τον ικανοποιούσε. Παρόλα αυτά, ο δράκος εξέπνευσε φωτιά, και με μια μόνο χαψιά κατάπιε τον Τεποζτέκο, ο οποίος με μεγάλη ευελιξία κατάφερε να περάσει από τα κοφτερά δόντια του δράκου χωρίς να τον αγγίξουν, και γρήγορα ξεκίνησε το δύσκολο έργο του έχοντας σαν όπλο τους οψιδιανούς που μάζεψε προηγουμένως. Ο δράκος τότε κατέρρευσε ρίχνοντας πολλή φωτιά, μέχρι που μόνο έβγαινε καπνός από το ματωμένο ρύγχος του.

Οι γονείς του παιδιού που με υπομονή και θλίψη κοιτούσαν τον γαλάζιο ουρανό, είδαν ξαφνικά έναν άσπρο καπνό! Και από τότε όλο το χωριό είχε μεγάλο σεβασμό προς το παιδί που το είχε σώσει από τον δράκο. Έτσι πέρασε ο καιρός, το παιδί μεγάλωσε, και έγινε παντοδύναμος, έγινε ο βασιλιάς του χωριού του. Έγινε ο θεός του ανέμου.

Μια μέρα προσκλήθηκε σε μία γιορτή στην Κουερναβάκα όπου θα παρευρίσκονταν όλοι οι βασιλιάδες της περιοχής. Κατέφτασε στην γιορτή ντυμένος με απλά ρούχα σαν ένας χωρικός, αλλά δεν τον άφησαν να εισέλθει, ούτε ακόμα όταν τους είπε ότι ήταν ο βασιλιάς του Τεποζτλάν. Τότε προκάλεσε έναν δυνατό άνεμο, τόσο δυνατό που οι φρουροί δεν έβλεπαν τίποτε. Όταν κόπασε ο άνεμος, εμφανίστηκε ένας λαμπρός βασιλιάς, με κοσμήματα, πολύτιμους λίθους, χρυσό, με την καλύτερη αμφίεση, και τότε τον υποδέχτηκαν με μεγάλες τιμές, του έδωσαν περίοπτη θέση στο τραπέζι και του σέρβιραν τα καλύτερα φαγητά και ποτά. Ο βασιλιάς τότε έχυσε τα ποτά επάνω στα ρούχα του, και όλοι ξαφνιασμένοι τον ρώτησαν γιατί το έκανε αυτό. Τότε αυτός αποκρίθηκε "πριν λίγο ήρθα ντυμένος σαν ένας απλός χωρικός και δεν με αφήσατε να μπω, όταν όμως ντύθηκα καλύτερα και από τον κάθε βασιλιά που βρίσκεται εδώ, τότε έγινα το κέντρο της προσοχής. Εσείς δηλαδή προσφέρατε φαγητό και ποτό στα ρούχα αλλά όχι στον άνθρωπο."

Αργότερα ξεκίνησαν να παίζουν τα τύμπανα τεπονάζτλι και ο βασιλιάς θέλησε να τα παίξει και αυτός, όμως δεν τον άφησαν. Τότε αποφάσισε να πάρει μαζί του το όργανο και σήκωσε έναν μεγάλο άνεμο. Όταν σταμάτησε ο άνεμος, τότε είδαν όλοι ότι το τύμπανο και ο βασιλιάς είχαν ήδη εξαφανιστεί, και ξεκίνησαν να τον κυνηγούν. Όταν σιγά σιγά τον έφταναν, αυτός δημιούργησε έναν μεγάλο ποταμό, στους λόφους της Γουαδαλουπίτα, εκεί που βρίσκεται σήμερα το γεφύρι του Πορφύριο Ντίαζ στην Κουερναβάκα, αλλά μέχρι να περάσουν το ποτάμι, ο βασιλιάς βρισκόταν ήδη στα βουνά και έπαιζε το τεπονάζτλι και χόρευε.

Μία άλλη φορά, όταν κατασκευαζόταν ο καθεδρικός ναός της πόλης του Μεξικού, δεν μπορούσαν οι εργάτες να ανεβάσουν τις καμπάνες στο καμπαναριό, και αποφάσισαν να ζητήσουν βοήθεια από τον Τεποζτέκο μιας και ήξεραν τις μεγάλες του δυνάμεις. Αυτός, μετά από έναν μεγάλο άνεμο που σκοτείνιασε την πόλη, βρέθηκε να χτυπάει τις καμπάνες του καθεδρικού. Σαν ευχαριστία του έδωσαν ένα κουτί. Αυτός έδωσε το κουτί στους ηλικιωμένους γονείς του που τον συνόδευαν, και τους ζήτησε να μην το ανοίξουν, αλλά να το θάψουν στο κέντρο του Τεποζτλάν. Ωστόσο η περιέργεια τους ήταν μεγαλύτερη, και παρά τις εντολές του παιδιού τους, φτάνοντας στο Τεποζτλάν, άνοιξαν το κουτί και από μέσα πέταξαν προς τους ουρανούς πέντε περιστέρια με μεγάλα φτερά. Το πρώτο πήγε προς την Κουερναβάκα, το δεύτερο στο Γιαουτεπέκ, το τρίτο στο Τλαγιακαπάν, το τέταρτο στο Οαχτεπέκ και το πέμπτο στο Τλαλμανάλκο, και μέσα στο κουτί έμειναν πέντε πέτρες σαν σύμβολο του θησαυρού.

Ο Τεποζτέκο δεν επέστρεψε ποτέ ξανά, και αυτός ήταν και ο λόγος που το χωριό έχασε την αίγλη του, πτώχευσε, και τα πλούτη του διαμοιράστηκαν σε άλλες πόλεις.

Μετάφραση από το "Leyenda del Tepozteco".


I love travelling! My first travel was when I was 11 years old to Greece, and I went there alone on a children's camping for 2 weeks! Ever since, I saved up money and traveled with every chance I got!

So far I've been to 23 countries, but there's still so much more to see and discover!

So here's a list of the countries I visited, with chronological order, and then a map (from amcharts.com).

 Cyprus - Κύπρος:  
My country! Born and raised to this gorgeous island in the eastern Mediterranean! A small island with great landscape variety, culture, beautiful beaches, smiley people and delicious food!
Must Visit: Nissi Beach, Lefkara, Omodos, Troodos, Akamas, Kourion...and basically everything!

 Greece - Ελλάδα: 
First time there when I was 11 years old! This is the country I traveled to the most times, as I was also living there for about 6 years! I mean if you haven't been to Greece you are missing out! One of my favorite countries in the world.
Fave Places: Hydra island, the Parthenon, ancient Olympia, Parga, Nissaki Ioanninon

 Lebanon - لبنان‎:
First time when I was 15 years old, and I went there because I participated in a Judo tournament and won the gold medal! Visited Beirut, Jounieh, and Tripoli. I'm pretty sure I was a Lebanese in a previous life! I just love everything about this land.
Fave Places: Statue of Harissa

 Italy - Italia: 
First time was in Milan, and then I traveled to Italy like 5 more times! Visited Milan, Florence, Verona, Venice, Como, amazing Sicily, Cinque Terre, Bergamo, Padua, Bologna, Peschiera di Garda...
Fave Places: Cefalu, Taormina, Furci Siculo

Just one time so far. I traveled there with my sister and it was April. Beautiful country with rich history, scenery and food!
Fave Places: Valetta, Mdina

 Austria - Österreich : 
Traveled there 2 times and loved it! Been to Vienna, Villach, Hallstatt, Zell Am See, Salzburg. The scenery is beyond gorgeous! It was like travelling in a postcard!!
Fave Places: Hallstatt, Zell Am See

 Czechia - Česko : 
Only traveled there once and it was in Brno! Quite beautiful, green, gothic architecture and lots of quality beer!
Fave Places: Špilberk Castle

 Spain - España: 
Traveled there 5 times and every time I'm falling in love! I want to live in Spain! Been to Granada, Ronda, Madrid, Alicante, Valencia, Barcelona.
Fave Places: Every city is truly unique! But I really liked Barcelona as a whole!

 Belgium - België - Belgique - Belgien: 
Traveled there 3 times. If you go to Belgium get out of Brussels and start exploring all the other cities and villages! Been to Brussels, Leuven and Brugge.
Fave Places: Brugge by far!

 Thailand - ราชอาณาจักรไทย:
Went there once in 2012. What a beautiful, exotic country! Amazing islands, scenery, food, very friendly people, colours and flavours! Visited Phuket, Bangkok and Pattaya. I'll be back soon!
Fave Places: The whole island of Phuket!

Only been to France, specifically to Paris, once! I had a lay-over flight in Paris and took advantage of the 3 hours gap between flights to have a glimpse of the city. Didn't see much, but the little I saw left me in awe and in a great desire to return and experience as much as possible!
Fave places: it's a cliché, but the Eifel Tower.

 The Netherlands - Nederland:
Been there twice. The first time was a quick tour in Amsterdam. Second time, was a longer tour in Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, Volendam, Marken... It's a very interesting country with proud, friendly people who are eager to show you their history and delicacies.
Fave Places: Zaanse Schans!

 Turkey - Türkiye:
Only been to Istanbul once for a kurash tournament. Unfortunately I didn't win anything. It was only 3 days and I mostly spend them in the stadium, and didn't really see much of the city.
Fave Places: The old buildings and neighborhoods of the city.

 Germany - Deutschland:
Been to Germany 3 times so far. To Berlin, Würzburg, München and Lindau. Very interesting country, easy to explore and always with good memories.
Fave Places: picturesque Lindau and Berlin's night scene!

 Switzerland - Helvetia - Schweiz - Suisse:
Been there once, and thought I died and went to heaven! Probably one of the most beautiful countries in the world! The majestic Alps, the green valleys, the little cottages, the scenery in general, is a once in a lifetime experience. Been to Zürich and Luzern.
Fave Places: driving views everywhere!

 Japan - 日本:
OMG! Loving this country so much! It felt like I was transferred to a parallel universe where everything is so much better! Amazing temples, lush nature, tasty food, tradition and modernity, friendly people and so much more! Been to Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima, Tokyo and Kamakura. I will be back for more!
Fave Places: Kyoto as a whole (and Fushimi Inari)

 Hungary - Magyarország:
I didn't know what to expect when I visited Hungary, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It's just a beautiful country everywhere you look. The architecture, the nature, the easy going way of the locals and the gentle summer vibes. Visited Budapest and Szentendre.
Fave Places: probably the town of Szentendre. Too good to be true! Worth a day trip there.

 Kazakhstan - Қазақстан:
I went there once to participate to Qazaq Kuresi (a form of central Asian wrestling) world championship tournament. Unfortunately I didn't do well, and I'd like to congratulate my Kazakh and Georgian opponents for their amazing skills. I've been to Astana (Nur-Sultan now). What really astonished me was the almost Siberian landscape, so barren of nature, yet the people there created this futuristic city. Very weird vibes that left me with the curiosity to return and explore more.
Fave Places: Khan Shatyr architecture.

 Mexico - México:
I mean words are not enough to describe my experience there. I went for 2 weeks to visit my Mexican friends. The people there are so hospitable and friendly that I felt like being with family! The vibes of this country are extraordinary. Rich history, landscapes, tradition and culture, incredible food and a dynamic spirit of the locals! If you go, find some locals and spend time with them to truly experience what this country is about! Been to Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Tepoztlán, Merida, Tulum.
Fave Places: God everything...from the surprises in the streets of the capital, to the indigenous vibes of Tepoztlán, the exoticness of Yucatan, the views of Chichen Itza and so much more!
Check my post about Mexico here!

 Latvia - Latvija:
Been to this country in a January. I don't remember been more cold in my life. Probably the northest I've traveled too. Been to Riga and Jūrmala. It was a beautiful winter scenery, however I wasn't particularly impressed. Maybe if I traveled on summertime it would have been better for me.
Fave places. The snowy beach of Jūrmala! Never thought I'll see snow reaching the waves, as I come from an all-sun place.

 Denmark - Danmark: 
Been to Copenhagen for a few days and I was particularly impressed! A modern yet classic city with cool, easy going vibes. The locals are so zen or hygge there, that is impressive. It's a very beautiful city, cool architecture and in general a place worth visiting.
Fave places: Nyhavn

 Sweden - Sverige:
I only been to Malmö on a day trip from Copenhagen, so I only saw a little bit of the tip of Sweden. A nice, Scandinavian city, relaxed, with beautiful views, with little surprises to discover just by walking around in the city. I will visit Sweden again to see more!
Fave Places: Malmö Saluhall :D

 Israel - יִשְׂרָאֵל‎:
Been to my neighbor country last year and got really impressed. It's a country full of contradictions. You can see the biblical landscapes and monuments and be filled with awe, the extreme similarities with my country, especially in the people's faces, mannerisms, in culture and food, the vibrant life of Tel Aviv, the refreshing openness of gay life, some injustices, hospitality and a warm feeling after leaving. Been to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Fave Places: old city of Jaffa, and Jerusalem back in time travelling.